Boys Have Fun By Teasing

A stupid boyfriend thought ‘LOL’ meant ‘Lots of Love’. So he sent this text to his girlfriend, ‘ You are only girl of my life … LOL’.
By living your life one day at a time, you live all the days of your life.
A Relationship Has : . A Girl.. A Boy.. An Ex Trying To Mess It Up.. & A Friend Waiting For A Break Up
I lie on the ground, and stare in2 space, the stars start to move, into the shape of your face.
You can’t tap your back for a job well done. You can’t hug yourself for comfort. You can’t cry on your shoulders when tears fall. That’s why you have GOD in your life, to let Him do whatever you can’t.
By the timeyou realise the value of people around you. It might be the time for them to leave you. So, Never miss a chance to say, I care for you.