You have no idea how fast my HEART

Having a crush is sweet Falling in Love is exciting Having a heart break shocks But having a friend like you Totally Rocks
You are the tear of joy in my eye, You are my blue sky, I hate when we are apart, Because I love you from the bottom of my heart.
Boy to a girl, ‘Can I borrow a coin? ‘ Girl: Why? Boy: I told my mom that I will phone her when I will meet the girl of my dreams.
Dream touches your heart and soul. It is a magical memory that unites fantasy and reality. Hope you will have the sweetest dream tonight… Good Night!
You are my dream in my sleep, You are the vision of my eye, You are the smile of my lips, You are the beat of my heart, You are an angel in my prayers, And you are the light of my life. Happy Birthday My love!!
Do you know that your smile takes 1000 people to death? Save the world… so please start teeth brushing regularly