You have no idea how fast my HEART

Far away but alwaya near, I hold your relationship very clear, Ever together but never apart, You always be in my heart as my friend
I Want To Be The Reason Why You Smile Every Morning, I Want To Be The Reason For The Happiness In Your Heart, The Spring In Your Step And The Song On Your Lips. Have A Great Day Ahead!
Very Touching Text By Shakespeare From His Novel, I Am Mad For Her.. But Why I Am Not Made For Her?
Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and lay from your heart. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY
Love is an illusion! Its a highly dependency disorder of weak hearted people.. . . People with strong hearts believe in FLIRTING : p
I have a pen… you have a phone number. Think of the possibilities!