Friend ship is a priceless
Friend ship is a priceless gift which can not be bought or sold but it is greater than THE MOUNTAIN OF GOLD
Friend ship is a priceless gift which can not be bought or sold but it is greater than THE MOUNTAIN OF GOLD
Friends are like sketch pens they color your lives. I may be not your favorite color but you will need me some day to complete your picture.. !!
Friendship is a Sim: Which has no activation charges; Free Incoming and Outgoing; With Roaming all over the world; And it’s validity never ends!
The best friend is one with whom you sit on a bench saying nothing and when you get up and go! you feel you had the best conversation of life!
‘The Importance of a Dear Friend in Our Lives is like the Importance of Heartbeats… They are Invisible But They Simply Lend you a Gift Called Life’.. !
Friendship is a warm feeling which comes from the inner core of the heart it cannot be buy or sell
If Care is a Wave, I give you a Sea; If Respect is a Leaf, I give you a Tree; If Trust is a Planet, I give you a Galaxy; If Friendship is Life, I give you mine for Free!
Life can give us a lot of beautiful persons but only one person is enough for a beautiful life! Dear friend, I am proud to have you as as that one person!
This is a magical friendship rose. You must pass this rose to at least five friends within an hour of receiving it. After you do, make a wish and your fondest romantic wish will come true!
friend should be like zero, when you tried to add, subtract and multiply they remain same. But when you divide them, they became infinity!!