Birds Birds in the sky dropped

When eyes struggle to remain open; When mind shuts off completely; It’s a signal to renew your energy; By sleeping and dreaming endlessly. Good Night and Sweet Dreams!
Friends are forever, until they get in a relationship!
‘Tears of EYES are Valuable’ ‘Speech of LIPS are Powerful’ ‘Heart With LOVE is Beautiful’ ‘Life with FRIENDS is Most Wonderful’.. !! Good Morning
When I Was Studying in School Days My Teachers Were Wearing Sun Glasses. You Know Why? Because, . . I Was a BRIGHT STUDENT.
Thought of the day: A bad marraige is like a horrible job, you are happy to have one but always look out for other options!
Life teaches you to love and also teaches you to cry. It may be ironical but its true that you can’t know the value of precious relations until they make you cry.