Fat people should be called

When people walk away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you, and it does not mean they are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over.. !
A pleasant Sweet Dream is approaching fastly in your Sleep Zone Area. Kindly close your eyes and feel the pleasure of comforts. Sleep Tight! Good Night!
I am grateful for my crazy, psycho, insane and just totally messed up friends. Normal people scare the crap out of me!
Do not bring people very close to your heart; Because problem with the close people is that ‘They know where to HIT exactly’!
The most ‘Sharmnaak’ thing these days is to say… . .. . that, ‘I am not on WhatsApp’..
‘Sometimes people are Nothing….. You make them Something….. &When they becomeSomething….. They feel that you are Nothing….. ‘