I can love you but God can love you deeper

Life is so stupid An ordinary person makes you smile And a very special person always makes us cry Still we care for the special one.. !!
Truth is like an alarm clock. You might not want to hear it but it will wake you up from your dreams and bring you back to reality. Have a truthful day!
Every Life In World Is Written By God’s Sweet Hands, That’s Why I Am Thankful Because When He Wrote My Life, He Include You Too As A Lovely Chapter.. !
Good results are generated at the end of the day only if Good Thoughts are generated at the beginning of the day. Have a beautiful day!
Past is Experience! Present is Experiment! Future is Expectation! Use your Experience in your experiment to achieve your expectations! Have a Nice day
The Lord is waiting above to give you His grace and send you His love. Whatever your cross, whatever the pain, God always sends a rainbow after the rain.