Sweet dreams GoodNight

What’s an average 6 inch long Inside a guy’s pants and girls love to blow it up? ? ? ? ? A: 1000- rupee currency note. ! Always think positive
‘ SLEEP’ S- Say Thanx To The God. L- Lying On The God. E-eye Closed Slowly. E- End Of The Day. P-plan For The Next Day.
This night is magical, The stars sparkle and they are bright, But nothing is more beautiful than seeing your smile, That glows in the starlight, As you listen to my voice wishing you good night.
The greatest gift you can give to someone is your time. Because when you give someone your time. You are giving them a portion of life that you never get back. Good Night!
May the roses of love be with you.. May the breeze of happiness be with you.. May the river of joy be with you.. May the rain drops of god’s blessings be with you.. HAPPY BIRTH DAY dear! May all your dreams come true!
A goodnight text is not always a text that says Good Night. Sometimes it’s a random text at night reminding someone how much they mean to you. Good Night!