A Good Leader Inspires

I used to walk into a room full of people and wonder if they liked me. Now I look around and wonder if I like them!
The superior person can hold two contradictory thoughts simultaneously and still continue to function. You need a long-term vision combined with short-term focus. – Brian Tracy
The Life Of The Seed Will Not End Once It Fall Down From The Tree.. It Is The Beginning Of A New Life.. Every Fall Is Beginning Of New Life.. !
Confidence comes naturally with success But, success comes only to those, who are confident So, begin your day with great confidence. Have a nice day..
I have 5 finger for these reasons: -My little finger to make promises for my best friends -My ring finger for someone special when the time is right -My middle finger to those who are jealeous and show high attitude to me -My index finger to silence those who speak ill of me -My thumb…
Happy Birthday to one of the few people whose birthday I can remember without a Facebook reminder!