I Knows That A Lot of People

There Is No Better Time Than Now. The Time To Live Is Now. The Time To Dream Is Now. The Time To Imagine And Forget The Past Is Now. The Time To Shine Is Now. The Time To Bleed, Sweat, And Determine Yourself ForThe Things You Want Most Is Now.
Beautiful Message by Mother Teresa: ‘If you cannot love a person whom you see, then how can you love GOD whom you have never seen’
Life Is Full Of Problems. Problems Are Not Permanent But, Life Is Permanent So, Face The Problems With Confidence! Enjoy The Life.
The moment of enlightenment is when a person’s dreams of possibilities become images of probabilities
Great Motivational Pharase: ‘I know I am something, because God doesn’t create garbage. ‘ words written on the entrance of an American university!
Pressure is nither good or bad. You can convert pressure intonegative tension and worry-or positive expectation andenthusiasm. It’s a choice you makeyourself.