Three simple rules in life

When you love someone truly, you do not look for faults, you do not look for answers, you do not look for mistakes. Instead, you fight the mistakes, you accept the faults and overlook the excuses.
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is just that little ‘extra’.
When relationship is weak, simple words like Thank you, Sorry, Welcomes, Good Bye, No Problem and make a big difference. But when relationships are strong Shut up, Get lost, Nonsense, Idiot or even Go to hell; will not have any impact. That’s the beauty of a strong relation!
Excellent Quote For Life Time: ‘If You Have Choice, Then Choose The Best. If You Have No Choice, Then Do The Best!
The superior person can hold two contradictory thoughts simultaneously and still continue to function. You need a long-term vision combined with short-term focus. – Brian Tracy
Life is not qualified by the brand of clothes we wear or the car that we drive. It is measured by the no of faces that smile when they hear our name.