Truth Is Always Like Oil

Relationship is like a garden. It’s beautiful when watered with love, care, tears and cheers. But it dries up if left untouched.
To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish; then resolve to pay the price to get it.
‘A Champion Needs A Motivation Above And Beyond Winning. ‘
I have 5 finger for these reasons: -My little finger to make promises for my best friends -My ring finger for someone special when the time is right -My middle finger to those who are jealeous and show high attitude to me -My index finger to silence those who speak ill of me -My thumb…
An Airoplane Is Always Safe At Ground. But It’s Not Made For That. So Always Take Some Meaningful Risks In Life To Get Great Acheivment.
Sometimes you have to stand alone to prove that you can still stand.