Life is one short moment

Not just survive live the life, Do not wait for the future, Future is uncertain live in the present.
Knowledge is like a deep well fed by perennial springs and your mind is like a little bucket that you drop into it you will get as much as you can assimilate
Face your past without regret, handle your present with confidence, and prepare for the future without fear. And you will get the best out of life.
Whenever I Miss You, I Wont Look For You In My Dreams Or Try To Hear Your Voice In Your Messages. I Just Put My Right Hand Across My Chest And I Feel You…
What is the difference between inside and outside the college gate? We played with Life inside the gate; And Life played with us outside the gate!
to see light look at the sun, to see love look at the moon, to see hope look at the future, to see beauty look at the nature, but to see all of this look at the mirroe!!