Forgetting you is never in my life time

Love is like a river, Always changing, But Always finding you again somewhere down the road.
Love is like swallowing hot chocolate, it takes you by surprise at firts, but keeps you warm for a long time
Tomorrow is Saint Valentine’s day, All in the morning betime, And I a maid at your window, To be your Valentine.
We cannot be together but we will also never be apart; No matter what life brings us, you will always be in my heart!
If I could spend every minute of every day with you I would. I think about you all the time. I think of you when I go to bed, and you are the first thing I think about when I wake up
Love Does Not Mean To Loss Someone, But It Means To Loss Yourself For Someone. It Is Not Done By The Excellence Of Mind, But It Is Done By The Sweetest Heart. !!