Love is never wanting to lose

Empty pockets never held anybody back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.
no sweet thoughts to forward, no cute graphics to send, just A…… TRUE HEART saying…… NICE TO HAVE A FRIEND LIKE YOU!
Every special person who touches our life, Leaves their own unique mark on our heart. A mark which can never be chizzled away, Even if the years eventually pull us apart.
Live life with a joyful heart and keep your spirit young and free! Stay true and firm to Jesus Christ! And be the best that you can be! Take care!
Like roses without fragrance, and pearls without their shine, that is how I would have been, If you were not mine, I love You
You, my darling… have touched my heart in so many ways. On whichever way my heart travels, it always finds you at the end!