Happy and I cannot tolerate it

My wife is hard to impress, I remembered the car seat, the stroller and the diaper bag… . . . Yet all she can talk about is how I forgot the baby!
Bride: Mu hubby is perfectly wonderful to me, mother. He gives me everything I ask for. Mother: That merely shows, my dear child, that you are not asking enough!
Who walks with us through the difficult part of life? Mom Dad? No! Husband Wife? No! Friends? No! One and only our slippers!!!! So keep them safe
Wife: Shall I prepare ‘Sambhar’ or ‘Rasam’ today? Husband: Make anything, we will name it later!
Secret formula for married couples… ‘Love one Another’ and if it doesn’t work, bring the last word in the middle!
Marital Advice: Marry someone you want to annoy for the rest of your life!