Cleaned the whole house
A husband is someone who, after taking the trash out, gives the impression… he just cleaned the whole house!
A husband is someone who, after taking the trash out, gives the impression… he just cleaned the whole house!
For men marriage is like museum – you have to be quite and you can not really touch anything!
Wife: Shall I prepare ‘Sambhar’ or ‘Rasam’ today? Husband: Make anything, we will name it later!
Marriage is like a bar of soap. It smells delicious until you take a bite out of it!
Dedicated to all Women: Everyday wake up in the morning, look at your wonderful husband and think – Damn, he is so lucky!
Marital Advice: Marry someone you want to annoy for the rest of your life!
Lady to her advocate: I want to marry my ex-husband again. Advocate asks his client, ‘Why? Only last month you got the divorce. ‘ Lady: After divorce, I see him very happy and I cannot tolerate it!
A Wife’s Reminder: I trust you… but remember – ‘My trust and your bones will break simultaneously’!
Wedding Is A Name Of Happy Day Which Brings Happiness Not Only In Your Home But All Familiar Ones Feel Great Pleasure On This Special Day Of Wedding. Have A Great Time Today And Ahead. Happy Wedding Day
What a married man says after years of marriage: – My marriage is made of Trust and Understanding, she does not Trust me and I dont Understand her.