A tactic is the ability to tell

A Wife’s Reminder: I trust you… but remember – ‘My trust and your bones will break simultaneously’!
The secrets of a happy marriage Tools, Internet options, Clear history, Delete files, Delete cookies
When you look at me, my heart melts. Your eyes smile and twinkle with love with just a look you say – I love you!
I do not look up to heaven anymore… because having you in my life is like living in Heaven with the best Angel that ever existed!
He would throw a drowning man both ends of the rope just to see the look on his face.
Your Anniversary Marks The Day When You Both Said ‘I Do! ‘ The Two Of You Became As One, A Marriage Bright And New. Now Time Has Passed; Your Love Is Strong; You Passed The Early Test. Your Tender Bond Grows With Passing Time; Your Marriage Is The Kind That’s Best! Happy Wedding Anniversary!