Add a Too if I say I Miss you

How to have a lovely day? Smile at strangers Give lots of compliments Slow down and say thank you Dress up cleanly and smartly And wear your perfume and attitude at all times. Have a lovely day!
I Miss The Talks We Used To Have, I Miss The Voice I Used To Hear I Miss Hearing Your Crazy But Cool Stories, And Above All These I Just Miss You!
I love so much my heart is sure. As time goes on I love you more, Your happy smile. Your loving face, no one will ever take your place
Some songs can make you cry; When you hear them; But; Actually it is not the songs; It’s the people behind the memories.
I miss you: A little too much; A little too often; And a little more every day!
May you have: All the joy your heart can hold; All the smiles a day can bring; All the blessings a life can unfold; And all the happiness you can share. Wishing you a very happy birthday!