Bed and see who wins

A blowjob is the only job in the world that can’t be included in your resume despite years of experience and a number of refrences!
No matter how late I reach my bed, ‘I have to spend at least one hour on my phone to settle down and sleep calmly! ‘
Shes down on her knees, Eager to please, Wid a throb of his nob in her gob, Wid a tingle in his belly, his legs turn to jelly cos shes doin a good job!
A good friend helps you up when you fall. A best friend laughs in your face and trips you again.
Mobile phones are the only things in live of which men talk about having the smallest.
A man is not finishedwhen he is defeated. He is finished when he QUITS. So never QUIT becausewinners never quitand quitters never Win.