I went over, Nobody was home

A stupid boyfriend thought ‘LOL’ meant ‘Lots of Love’. So he sent this text to his girlfriend, ‘ You are only girl of my life … LOL’.
Little johnny: Mam, will you punish me for something that I did not do? Teacher : Not at all. Little johnny : That’s good. Actually i did not do my homework!
Never reject a girl in life becoz a good girl gives you Happiness and bad girls gives you experience. . Both are essential in life… So enjoy every girl Friend!
If Girl In Love Her Parents Ask: Who Is that Idiot? If Boy In Love His Parents Ask: Idiot, Who Is that Girl? wake up guys
Arguing with girls, wife or ladies is like wrestling with a Pig in mud. After sometime you realise that you are getting dirty and the pig is enjoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When a girl is alone, it’s not an opportunity, it’s a responsibility!