She is the apple of my eye

The best birthday is when you fell younger than ever before. May your heart grow younger and love for life multiplies like never before! Happy Birthday!
One Stone is Enough to break a Glass….. One sentence is Enough to break a heart……. One Second is Enough to fall In Love … and … One Love is Enough to make worse a whole Life
Heartly Welcome To Cool Morning, Happy Welcome To Fresh Morning, Great Will Come To New Morning, Lovely Welcome To Nice Morning, I Wish You Good Morning, Have A Nice Day
Once In Life, Do fall in Love, Not necesarly with a Person, But With an Idea, A Dream, An Ambition… More often It will be a Reason To wake up with a Smile.. !
When i open my eyes every morning i pray to God that everyone should have a friend like you… Why should only i suffer!
Two Hands To Hold Onto Forever, Two Arms To Be Embraced By Eternally, . Two Eyes To Gaze Into For Always, Two Lips To Kiss So Passionately. . Two Souls Fused By Commitment, Two Names Written In The Stars Above, . Two Lives Intertwined By God, Two Hearts Joined By The Purest Of Love.