Sharing a lovely Relationship

If you genuinely love someone: Do not ever decorate their eyes with tears; Their ears with lies; And their heart with a wound!
You never pay attention to a part of your body till it pains badly… Don’t Let it happen in Relationships.. !
Husband to a newly wed wife! I could go to the end of the world for you Wife: Thanks, but promise me you will stay there for the rest of your life.
Loneliness is a nice feeling beyond words when we choose it ourselves. But it’s horrible when others make us choose it.
Friendship Is A Relation, Where No Charges Of Activation, Free Incoming, Free Outgoing, With Roaming Facility All Over The World….. !
You are the twinkle of my eyes; The smile on my lips; The joy of my face. And the sparkle of my heart. Without you, I shall always remain poker face!