Wife to maid

You are the one who can handle your heart better than anyone else. So don’t give it to someone else and then complain that they are hurting it!
You are the twinkle of my eyes; The smile on my lips; The joy of my face. And the sparkle of my heart. Without you, I shall always remain poker face!
Dear Married People, Buddha had to invent a whole new religion to escape his wife that’s how difficult it is!
Relationships are like birds. If you hold tightly, they die; If you hold loosely, they fly; But if you hold with care; They are yours forever!
Husband nd wife are like liver and kidney. Husband is liver nd wife is kidney. If liver fails, kidney fails. If kidney fails, liver manages with other kidney.
If every one forgets you, I will be with you; If every one betrays you I will be with you; If every one lets you down I will still be with you; But if every one likes you, then sorry I will be with them!