Sorry is a gud weapon

I have taken up photography because it’s the only hobby where I can shoot people and cut their heads off without going to jail!
Always do what you want, Don’t mind what other people might say, cause, Whether you Do it or not… People always have something to comment.
A simple Good Night becomes a special greeting when it is heartily given, by someone so dear. You have given me, a wonderful meaning. Good Night!
I Felt Ashamed For What I Had Done, I Don’t Have Any Excuses. I Did What I Did, I Take Full Responsibility For Myself And My Actions, I Wouldn’t Pawn This Off On Anybody, I am Sorry It Happened. And I Hurt People.
What makes some people dearest is NOT just the happiness that you feel when you meet them; but it’s the pain you feel when you miss them…
‘Forgiveness’ When it’s not given in the rite time or When it is not asked in the rite time, You will miss something PRECIOUS in your life…