GOD never takes a day
GOD never takes a day off to love care guide& protect us in every moment of our lives may his presence be with you today and always GOOD Night
GOD never takes a day off to love care guide& protect us in every moment of our lives may his presence be with you today and always GOOD Night
One tree can start a forest, One smile can start a friendship One touch can show love and care One person like you can make life worth living!
Life is so stupid An ordinary person makes you smile And a very special person always makes us cry Still we care for the special one.. !!
A day may start or end without a message from me, But believe me… it wont start or end without me thinking of you… See, i just did! Take care! you HAVE A NICE DAY!
Relation are not an Exam to Pass or Fail, or its not a Competition to Win or Lose. Its a Feeling You Care for Someone More than Yourself.
Let Us Not WorryAbout The FutureLet Us Only DoThe Right ThingToday, At This MomentHere & NowLet The Future Take Care Of Itself
nothing is prewritten and nothing can be rewritten so write carefully…. live the best and leave the rest
Hug someone you love and tell how much you care because When they are gone no matter how loud you shout and cry they won’t hear you anymore.
‘The heart that cares too much for others is always misunderstood. ‘ ‘The person who acts like caring others is always understood’. Sad but fact of life!
The Sun rises into the Sky with the Warmest Smile, He wishes you a Good Morning, Hoping that you have the perfect day. Take Care & Miss You..