Just sleep tight and thank
Just sleep tight and thank God for the wonderful things He has blessed you. Be grateful and thank Him… because He will give you more important things. Good Night and Sweet Dreams!
Just sleep tight and thank God for the wonderful things He has blessed you. Be grateful and thank Him… because He will give you more important things. Good Night and Sweet Dreams!
Once In Life, Do fall in Love, Not necesarly with a Person, But With an Idea, A Dream, An Ambition… More often It will be a Reason To wake up with a Smile.. !
When eyes struggle to remain open; When mind shuts off completely; It’s a signal to renew your energy; By sleeping and dreaming endlessly. Good Night and Sweet Dreams!
Angels Are There To Guide And Protect You In Whatever You will Do. tonight, They’ll Take You To A Place Where Your Dreams Can Come True.
Throw your dreams into the space like a kite, And you do not know what it will bring back, A new Life, A new Friend, A new Love. , Good Night!
You may think that I forgot you. You may think that I do not care, and you may think that I am not thinking of you. Well, you are wrong. You are still in my dreams. , goodnight
You are free to choose, but you are never free from the consequence of your choosing. Sweet Dreams! Good Night!
Set the world on fire with your dreams and use the flame to light a birthday candle. A very happy birthday to you!
I am sending a pillow of happy thoughts to create wonderful dreams, a blanket of care to comfort you all night and A prayer to protect until morning. GOOD NIGHT!! SLEEP TIGHT!!
Its good to sit alone for at least some time everyday.. But When you sit alone, do not sit with your past.. Sit alone to dream your Future.. !