Never try to go back and repair
‘ Never try to go back and repair the past which is IMPOSSIBLE! But Be prepared to construct the Future which is POSSIBLE.. Good Morning..
‘ Never try to go back and repair the past which is IMPOSSIBLE! But Be prepared to construct the Future which is POSSIBLE.. Good Morning..
‘Keep Your Dreams Alive. Understand To Achieve Anything Requires Faith And Belief In Yourself, Vision, Hard Work, Determination, And Dedication. Remember All Things Are Possible For Those Who Believe’
A new meeting next month? Sorry, that is not possible, I have to go to a funeral.
One of the most untruthful things possible, you know, is a collection of facts, because they can be made to appear so many different ways.
Every ONE wants happiness, No ONE needs pain, But its not possible to get a rainbow, Without a little rain. Have a Nice Day
Death is possible any time, love is possible some time, marriage is possible one time, but real friend like you is possible once in a life time.