Dont be a cigarette that people pay
Dont be a cigarette that people pay money to have it and then step on it once they finish. But, be a drug.. let them die to get you. Kip rocking.
Dont be a cigarette that people pay money to have it and then step on it once they finish. But, be a drug.. let them die to get you. Kip rocking.
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step!
Sometimes the first step into forgiveness is understanding that the other person is a complete idiot. Good Night!
Dream is the key towards successful life, To have dreams, you must sleep well. So step up the first ladder of your destiny. Go to bed and have sweet dreams.
True Guidance Is Like A Small Lamp In A Dark Forest… It Doesn’t Show Evrything At Once But Gives Enough Light For The Next Step To Be Safe… ‘Gud N8t