Life is like a novel and every
Life is like a novel and every day is a new page. So if a page is sad next will be happy. So don’t worry, just turn the page and enjoy the life!
Life is like a novel and every day is a new page. So if a page is sad next will be happy. So don’t worry, just turn the page and enjoy the life!
All things in life are temporary. If they are going well, enjoy them, they will not last forever. If they are going wrong, don’t worry, they can’t last long either!
Let Us Not WorryAbout The FutureLet Us Only DoThe Right ThingToday, At This MomentHere & NowLet The Future Take Care Of Itself
Don’t Worry – that you tried to be Einstein and Failed . . . . . If Einstein had tried to be you, he had have failed, too!
worrying doesn’t solve tomorrow’s trouble, instead it takes away today’s Peace so don’t worry for anything and keep your life moving with smile
To be without worry is the greayest wealth. Live every moment with ease. Good morning!!