For a wonderful person

However you decide to spend This very special day, Here’s hoping it turns out to be Just right in every way ! Happy Birthday to You
A specially warm wish for the kind of day in which only the best things keep coming your way. Happy Birthday and Happiness always.
When you are important to another person that person will always find a way to make time for you, no excuses, no lies, no broken promises.
It Is Difficult To Buy A Gift For You. Because I Want To Buy You The Entire World For You. Happy Birthday.
Wishing you a day full of fun, Hundreds of gifts from every one, Sweet as honey & full of money, May all your dreams come true, Happy birthday to you.
The museum curator called today and spoke in animated tones. He has a team of scientists who want to carbon date your bones!! Have a great birthday
However you decide to spend This very special day, Here’s hoping it turns out to be Just right in every way ! Happy Birthday to You
A specially warm wish for the kind of day in which only the best things keep coming your way. Happy Birthday and Happiness always.
When you are important to another person that person will always find a way to make time for you, no excuses, no lies, no broken promises.
It Is Difficult To Buy A Gift For You. Because I Want To Buy You The Entire World For You. Happy Birthday.
Wishing you a day full of fun, Hundreds of gifts from every one, Sweet as honey & full of money, May all your dreams come true, Happy birthday to you.
The museum curator called today and spoke in animated tones. He has a team of scientists who want to carbon date your bones!! Have a great birthday
However you decide to spend This very special day, Here’s hoping it turns out to be Just right in every way ! Happy Birthday to You
A specially warm wish for the kind of day in which only the best things keep coming your way. Happy Birthday and Happiness always.