I believe that God above created

If one day you want to run away– Don’t be afraid to call me. I don’t promise to ask you to stop… But I can run with you
If fear did not exist, I had run up to you, kiss you, and tell you that I love you.
God is always playing chess with usHe makes a move in our life and thenSits back to see how we react to the CHALLENGE. So make the best efforts
Wife: I Have Changed My Mind. Husband: Thank God ! Does The New One Work Now?
I am betting that you cannot wait until tomorrow, because I bet that you get more and more beautiful every day.
do not feel bore about life. Think every day in life is a special day and there must be some special purpose that the GOD gave life to you as human…….
If one day you want to run away– Don’t be afraid to call me. I don’t promise to ask you to stop… But I can run with you
If fear did not exist, I had run up to you, kiss you, and tell you that I love you.
God is always playing chess with usHe makes a move in our life and thenSits back to see how we react to the CHALLENGE. So make the best efforts
Wife: I Have Changed My Mind. Husband: Thank God ! Does The New One Work Now?
I am betting that you cannot wait until tomorrow, because I bet that you get more and more beautiful every day.
do not feel bore about life. Think every day in life is a special day and there must be some special purpose that the GOD gave life to you as human…….
If one day you want to run away– Don’t be afraid to call me. I don’t promise to ask you to stop… But I can run with you
If fear did not exist, I had run up to you, kiss you, and tell you that I love you.