Always watching me from there

A true friend knows your weaknesses but shows you your strengths!
Only two kind of people will not mind anythng you say…. The one for whom you are nothing… And The one for whom you are everyThing.. !!
A Man Lost Almost Everything In A Fire.. Next Day He Placed A Signboard… . Shop Burnt!!! House Burnt!!! Guds Burnt!!! But Faith Not Burnt.. Shop Starts Tomorrow..
A beautiful quote was written on the wall of the movie theater, One day your entire life will be like movie in a flash back, You just need to make sure that it is worth of watching!
At age of 5 we started study with Tear & Age 18 we will finish study With Tear. 1st tear was water & 2nd Would be Fear of missing Dear ones Forever
Friends are like sketch pens they color your lives. I may be not your favorite color but you will need me some day to complete your picture.. !!