Morning Is A Good Time

Love is like a long sweet dream and marriage is an alarm clock. So have a sweet dreams till your alarm wakes you up. Happy Unmarried Life.
Smile Is Electricity And Life Is Battery. Whenever You Smile The Battery Gets Charged And A Beautiful Day Is Activated. So Keep Smiling. Have A Great Day
Love is sweet poison: .. Do not consume without your beloveds advise .. and keep out of reach of children .. and keep it in cool and dark place.
Problems never stay long, they just put the signature in the experience book of your life and move away. Good Morning!
Todays weather forcast: it would be cloudy if you frown, rainy if you cry, clear if your happy, sunny if you smile & stormy if you sing!
I love the way you smile, Love to hear your laughter, I love loving you because you are My happily ever after.
Love is like a long sweet dream and marriage is an alarm clock. So have a sweet dreams till your alarm wakes you up. Happy Unmarried Life.
Smile Is Electricity And Life Is Battery. Whenever You Smile The Battery Gets Charged And A Beautiful Day Is Activated. So Keep Smiling. Have A Great Day
Love is sweet poison: .. Do not consume without your beloveds advise .. and keep out of reach of children .. and keep it in cool and dark place.
Problems never stay long, they just put the signature in the experience book of your life and move away. Good Morning!
Todays weather forcast: it would be cloudy if you frown, rainy if you cry, clear if your happy, sunny if you smile & stormy if you sing!
I love the way you smile, Love to hear your laughter, I love loving you because you are My happily ever after.
Love is like a long sweet dream and marriage is an alarm clock. So have a sweet dreams till your alarm wakes you up. Happy Unmarried Life.
Smile Is Electricity And Life Is Battery. Whenever You Smile The Battery Gets Charged And A Beautiful Day Is Activated. So Keep Smiling. Have A Great Day