TIME is a rare luxury
Hard Times Are Like a Washing Machine, They Twist, Turn and Knock Us Around, But In The End we Come Out Cleaner, Brighter and Better Than Before…
I am Sorry To Be Smiling Every Time You are Near, I am Sorry My Eyes Twinkle Whenever You’re Here, I am Sorry That Cupid Has Made His Hit, I am Sorry I Love You, I Can’t Help It.
Mother is an undying love, A love beyond compare, the one you take your troubles to, she is the one who really cares. Mother you are all of this and more, I love you very much
A wife is essential to great longevity; she is the receptacle of half a man’s cares, and two-thirds of his ill-humor.
Morning is not just the new day, its the defeat of darkness by the light of sun. Good Morning!
‘Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have. ‘