Whenever you find

Many times we loose our friends because we are unable to express how special they are to us So this message is only for them whom i never want to loose, because you are so special to me.. !
Best Relationship is . . When You Can Act Like Lovers And Best Friends At The Same Time.
Every time you talk to your wife, you should always remind yourself… ‘This conversation will be recorded for training and quality purposes’!
Nice words… ‘The world We have created is a product of our thinking.. ; It cannot be changed without changing our thinking’.. !
You told me I was beautiful. And even though a lot of people tell me that, I think you are the only one who really meant it. For you were the only one who really took the time to look.
Be Who You Are And Say What You Feel, Because Those Who Mind Don’t Matter And Those Who Matter Do not Mind
Many times we loose our friends because we are unable to express how special they are to us So this message is only for them whom i never want to loose, because you are so special to me.. !
Best Relationship is . . When You Can Act Like Lovers And Best Friends At The Same Time.
Every time you talk to your wife, you should always remind yourself… ‘This conversation will be recorded for training and quality purposes’!
Nice words… ‘The world We have created is a product of our thinking.. ; It cannot be changed without changing our thinking’.. !
You told me I was beautiful. And even though a lot of people tell me that, I think you are the only one who really meant it. For you were the only one who really took the time to look.
Be Who You Are And Say What You Feel, Because Those Who Mind Don’t Matter And Those Who Matter Do not Mind
Many times we loose our friends because we are unable to express how special they are to us So this message is only for them whom i never want to loose, because you are so special to me.. !
Best Relationship is . . When You Can Act Like Lovers And Best Friends At The Same Time.