Never complaint to god about the difficulties

When I pray I don’t see God, but I know He listens. Similarly, when I SMS you, I don’t see you; But I know you think of me and smile!
Speed Is Calculated As Miles Per Hour But Life Is Calculated As Smiles Per Hour So Increase Your Smile Get Extra Milage In Life.. !
Tackle life with all your skills; Overcome each and every hill; If you persist with all your will; You will enjoy your life and all its thrills!
Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that simply looks good from the outside!
Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.
Memories are so Stupid. The bad one make you laugh and the good one always make you cry! Still we urge for the good ones, isn’t it? Thats Life.
When I pray I don’t see God, but I know He listens. Similarly, when I SMS you, I don’t see you; But I know you think of me and smile!
Speed Is Calculated As Miles Per Hour But Life Is Calculated As Smiles Per Hour So Increase Your Smile Get Extra Milage In Life.. !
Tackle life with all your skills; Overcome each and every hill; If you persist with all your will; You will enjoy your life and all its thrills!
Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that simply looks good from the outside!
Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.
Memories are so Stupid. The bad one make you laugh and the good one always make you cry! Still we urge for the good ones, isn’t it? Thats Life.
When I pray I don’t see God, but I know He listens. Similarly, when I SMS you, I don’t see you; But I know you think of me and smile!
Speed Is Calculated As Miles Per Hour But Life Is Calculated As Smiles Per Hour So Increase Your Smile Get Extra Milage In Life.. !