Love enables you to put

From Monday to Sunday, From January To December, From birth till my death, my feelings for you have never changed. For me, you have always been??? .. a headache !
The beginning is built on something very strong which justifies the strength of an endless thought of you. So, your love is the true corner stone for the achievement of our togetherness and oneliness.
Feeling Sorry For Yourself, And You Present Condition, Is Not Only A Waste Of Energy But The Worst Habit You Could Possibly Have.
Our hearts still ache in sadness, And secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you, No one will ever know.
Miss Me? Close Your Eyes, You Can See Me There Deep In Your Heart, We Will Make A Voyage In Dreams. Have A Goodnight Sleep
From Monday to Sunday, From January To December, From birth till my death, my feelings for you have never changed. For me, you have always been??? .. a headache !
The beginning is built on something very strong which justifies the strength of an endless thought of you. So, your love is the true corner stone for the achievement of our togetherness and oneliness.
Feeling Sorry For Yourself, And You Present Condition, Is Not Only A Waste Of Energy But The Worst Habit You Could Possibly Have.
Our hearts still ache in sadness, And secret tears still flow, What it meant to lose you, No one will ever know.
Miss Me? Close Your Eyes, You Can See Me There Deep In Your Heart, We Will Make A Voyage In Dreams. Have A Goodnight Sleep
From Monday to Sunday, From January To December, From birth till my death, my feelings for you have never changed. For me, you have always been??? .. a headache !
The beginning is built on something very strong which justifies the strength of an endless thought of you. So, your love is the true corner stone for the achievement of our togetherness and oneliness.