Love enables you to put

Love is like standing in the wet cement, The longer you stay, the harder it is to leave And you can never go without leaving your shoe behind.
Life is very short, so break silly rules. Forgive quickly, Believe slowly, Love truly, Laugh loudly & Never avoid anything that makes you smile..
Your kisses are etched in my mind, Like butterfly wings, My heart flutters with each thought of you.
I try to close my eyes because I might see you; I try to close my mouth because I might say your name; I try to close my ears because I might hear of you; But I ca not close my heart because I ca not forget you!
When I see you, I miss your smile; When I see your smile, I miss your hug; When you hug me, I want your kiss. OMG! I am just crazy about you!
When you look at me, my heart melts. Your eyes smile and twinkle with love with just a look you say – I love you!