I wanna hold you close

A special smile a special face, A special someone no one can replace. I love you and always will, You have filled a space no one could fill.
My Doors Will Be Always Open For Those Who Have Hurted Me. But May Be They Have Lost There Beautiful Position On Which They Have Once Ruled.
Love is not to say but to understand. Love is not to show but to feel inside. Love is not to find faults but to make the best. Love is not to demand but to sacrifice. Love is not to hurt but to take care of. Love is not blind but it doesn’t need to…
I was on a ship thinking of you. when i looked down i dropped a tear in the ocean. then i promised myself that until someone finds it. i wont forget you.
How do you expect me to remember your birthday, when you never look any older?
A smile to put you on high… A kiss to set your soul alright… Would it be alright if I spent tonight being loved by you?