Whenever I Miss

Birthday Message For A Daughter No Matter How Many Birthdays Come And Go, You will Always Be My Little Girl. Happy Birthday Daughter.
Can you feel me when I think about you? I do! Miss you, my sweetheart!
What makes some people dearest is NOT just the happiness that you feel when you meet them; but it’s the pain you feel when you miss them…
It takes a second to make a mistake, but a lifetime to try and forget it was your fault.
My nights are longer than my days, since I am not by your side; But it’s all worth it – dreaming about you, wakes me up with a smile mile wide. Good Night!
Missing you could turn from pain to pleasure, if I knew you were missing me too
Birthday Message For A Daughter No Matter How Many Birthdays Come And Go, You will Always Be My Little Girl. Happy Birthday Daughter.
Can you feel me when I think about you? I do! Miss you, my sweetheart!
What makes some people dearest is NOT just the happiness that you feel when you meet them; but it’s the pain you feel when you miss them…
It takes a second to make a mistake, but a lifetime to try and forget it was your fault.
My nights are longer than my days, since I am not by your side; But it’s all worth it – dreaming about you, wakes me up with a smile mile wide. Good Night!
Missing you could turn from pain to pleasure, if I knew you were missing me too
Birthday Message For A Daughter No Matter How Many Birthdays Come And Go, You will Always Be My Little Girl. Happy Birthday Daughter.
Can you feel me when I think about you? I do! Miss you, my sweetheart!