Love for you will never be gone
We have been through a path so dark, but we still gotten dat special spark, now we know dat we can neva go wrong, my love for you will never be gone.
We have been through a path so dark, but we still gotten dat special spark, now we know dat we can neva go wrong, my love for you will never be gone.
PRAYER is not a spare wheel, That you pull out when you are in trouble. USE it as a steering WHEEL, That keep you on RIGHT path through out the life.
We spend our days waiting for the ideal path to appear in front of us but what we forget is that, paths are made by walking, not by waiting. Good morning.
Do Not Go WhereThe Path May Lead, Go Instead WhereThere Is NoPath And Leave A Trail..
Every Morning Make A Resolution… Be A Path For Everyone.. & Make Yourself As A Destination For Others Success… Have A Nice Day. Good Morning