Dont shower so much of love on anyone

Today’s weather forecast: DAY: bright sunshine Night: full moon TEMPREATURE: 101 degree Soon it will be raining… WELCOME TO MY SHOWER OF LOVE!
The heart that knows how to bow down and say SORRY is the heart that loves the most!
One of the most untruthful things possible, you know, is a collection of facts, because they can be made to appear so many different ways.
You can’t change how people feel about you, so don’t try. Just live your life and be happy!
Silence is the fence around wisdom, If your foot slips, You can always regain your balance. But if your tongue slips, You can never recall the words. So think before saying anything in anger!
The secret to happiness is to do what you like. The secret to success is to like what you do.
Today’s weather forecast: DAY: bright sunshine Night: full moon TEMPREATURE: 101 degree Soon it will be raining… WELCOME TO MY SHOWER OF LOVE!
The heart that knows how to bow down and say SORRY is the heart that loves the most!
One of the most untruthful things possible, you know, is a collection of facts, because they can be made to appear so many different ways.
You can’t change how people feel about you, so don’t try. Just live your life and be happy!
Silence is the fence around wisdom, If your foot slips, You can always regain your balance. But if your tongue slips, You can never recall the words. So think before saying anything in anger!
The secret to happiness is to do what you like. The secret to success is to like what you do.
Today’s weather forecast: DAY: bright sunshine Night: full moon TEMPREATURE: 101 degree Soon it will be raining… WELCOME TO MY SHOWER OF LOVE!
The heart that knows how to bow down and say SORRY is the heart that loves the most!