A wise person knows
An intelligent person will open your mind; A beautiful person will open your eyes; And a loving person will open your heart. May your day is blessed with all of them!
You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus!
smooth roads never makes good driver, clear sky never make good pilots, problem free life never make a good person, life is a challenge face it
Apology doesn’t mean that you were wrong, or the other person was right. It means that your relationship is valuable than your ego.
Reminder: You are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel!
If you hate a person, you hate something in something in him that is a part of yourself. What isn”t part of ourselves doesn”t disturb us.
An intelligent person will open your mind; A beautiful person will open your eyes; And a loving person will open your heart. May your day is blessed with all of them!
You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus!
smooth roads never makes good driver, clear sky never make good pilots, problem free life never make a good person, life is a challenge face it
Apology doesn’t mean that you were wrong, or the other person was right. It means that your relationship is valuable than your ego.
Reminder: You are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel!
If you hate a person, you hate something in something in him that is a part of yourself. What isn”t part of ourselves doesn”t disturb us.
An intelligent person will open your mind; A beautiful person will open your eyes; And a loving person will open your heart. May your day is blessed with all of them!
You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus!