1 Injection of trust

To have a lovely life; Either, one must have a True Lover Greater than All Friends, Or, One must have a True Friend who Really Cares, More than a Lover… Good Morning !!
Freshness of a rose will fade away, wells will run dry and sweetness of an ice cream will not last more than 5min but the memories of a friend like you will last forever
Friendship is a promise spoken by the heart is not given by plege, nor written on paper, but promise renewed everytime friends keep in touch.
Forever is a long time, but I would not mind spending it by your side.
When the tide of life turns against you, and the current upsets your boat. Don”t waste time on what might have been, just lie on your back and float.
Deepest Care is the Biggest Sorrow in this World Never care for a Person more than yourself… It will hurt you a lot when you realize that…. your care was not their need.. !
To have a lovely life; Either, one must have a True Lover Greater than All Friends, Or, One must have a True Friend who Really Cares, More than a Lover… Good Morning !!
Freshness of a rose will fade away, wells will run dry and sweetness of an ice cream will not last more than 5min but the memories of a friend like you will last forever
Friendship is a promise spoken by the heart is not given by plege, nor written on paper, but promise renewed everytime friends keep in touch.
Forever is a long time, but I would not mind spending it by your side.
When the tide of life turns against you, and the current upsets your boat. Don”t waste time on what might have been, just lie on your back and float.
Deepest Care is the Biggest Sorrow in this World Never care for a Person more than yourself… It will hurt you a lot when you realize that…. your care was not their need.. !
To have a lovely life; Either, one must have a True Lover Greater than All Friends, Or, One must have a True Friend who Really Cares, More than a Lover… Good Morning !!
Freshness of a rose will fade away, wells will run dry and sweetness of an ice cream will not last more than 5min but the memories of a friend like you will last forever