A wise physician said

A solid truth- when you start loving somebody, you start caring about yourself. But when you start caring about others, somebody starts loving you!
Let the light of the day rise in your heart. Let the joy of the morning be seen in your smile. And God’s graces be your today and everyday. Good Morning!
Life is not qualified by the brand of clothes we wear or the car that we drive. It is measured by the no of faces that smile when they hear our name.
Sometimes, my mind asks. Why I miss you? Why I care for you? Why I remember you? Why I text you? Then my heart answered, Mongoloids need more care!
Thought for the life: ‘Dont decrease your goal to the extent of your ability. Increase your ability to the extent of your goal’…
Real friends do not get offended when you insult them. They smile and call you something even more offensive!
A solid truth- when you start loving somebody, you start caring about yourself. But when you start caring about others, somebody starts loving you!
Let the light of the day rise in your heart. Let the joy of the morning be seen in your smile. And God’s graces be your today and everyday. Good Morning!
Life is not qualified by the brand of clothes we wear or the car that we drive. It is measured by the no of faces that smile when they hear our name.
Sometimes, my mind asks. Why I miss you? Why I care for you? Why I remember you? Why I text you? Then my heart answered, Mongoloids need more care!
Thought for the life: ‘Dont decrease your goal to the extent of your ability. Increase your ability to the extent of your goal’…
Real friends do not get offended when you insult them. They smile and call you something even more offensive!
A solid truth- when you start loving somebody, you start caring about yourself. But when you start caring about others, somebody starts loving you!
Let the light of the day rise in your heart. Let the joy of the morning be seen in your smile. And God’s graces be your today and everyday. Good Morning!