Flying papers

If the people we love are stolen away from us the only way to have them live on is to never stop lovin’them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever…
May God decorate each golden ray of the Sun falling on you with success, happiness and prosperity! Wish you a super-duper Happy Birthday!
Keep people in your life who truly love you, motivate you, encourage you, enhance you and make you happy.
There are times I Find My Hands Full of friends… I want to Hold them hard As I fear Of Losing Them. I laugh When i realize that.. They are the ones holding me… ! Thanks for Being one..
I had a wet dream about you last night …. I pissed myself laughing when you fell of a cliff!
Birthday Message For Son I am So Glad That God Gave Me A Son Like You. I am So Proud To Have You As A Son. I See A Little More Of Me In You With Each Passing Year. No Matter How Many Birthdays Come And Go, You will Always Be My Little Boy. Happy…
If the people we love are stolen away from us the only way to have them live on is to never stop lovin’them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever…
May God decorate each golden ray of the Sun falling on you with success, happiness and prosperity! Wish you a super-duper Happy Birthday!
Keep people in your life who truly love you, motivate you, encourage you, enhance you and make you happy.
There are times I Find My Hands Full of friends… I want to Hold them hard As I fear Of Losing Them. I laugh When i realize that.. They are the ones holding me… ! Thanks for Being one..
I had a wet dream about you last night …. I pissed myself laughing when you fell of a cliff!
Birthday Message For Son I am So Glad That God Gave Me A Son Like You. I am So Proud To Have You As A Son. I See A Little More Of Me In You With Each Passing Year. No Matter How Many Birthdays Come And Go, You will Always Be My Little Boy. Happy…
If the people we love are stolen away from us the only way to have them live on is to never stop lovin’them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever…
May God decorate each golden ray of the Sun falling on you with success, happiness and prosperity! Wish you a super-duper Happy Birthday!