Once Upon a Time

Life is a railway station, where love is a train, it will come and go any time, but freindship is a track, it will remain……………………. for ever.
A cup of hot Hello; A plate of crispy wishes; A spoon full of sweet smiles; And a toast of great success. Good Day!
Life is pretty much unpredictable. I may not live long enough but I won’t miss out letting you know that life is worth living with someone like you around.
Miss Me? Close Your Eyes, You Can See Me There Deep In Your Heart, We Will Make A Voyage In Dreams. Have A Goodnight Sleep
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes When You are Fast Asleep. In Dreams You Will Lose Your Heartaches. Good Night
TIME is a rare luxury which can never be purchased at any cost. So when someone spends it for you, it defines the depth of care they have for you. Good Morning!