Decided in HEAVEN

A smile is a sign of joy; A hug is a sign of love; A laugh is a sign of happiness; And a friend like me, well – that is a sign of good taste!
life is beautyful admire it, life is a duty, complete it. life is a struggle, accept it. life is a challenge, meet it, life is what you make it, so start today.
Benefits of Friends: Shitty jokes whenever you ask for them; Useless jokes when you don’t ask for them!
‘BLOOD’ and ‘FRIEND’ have only 1 difference, BLOOD enters heart and flows out. but FRIEND enters heart and stays forever.
A 5 year old boy asked his friend. What is friendship? He replied: Friendship is when you rob my chocolate every day from my bag. I still keep it in same place.
MY FRIEND should be.. . My madicine when i am in pain MY letter when i am Far My smile whan i am sad My handkerchef when i cry My life when i die!
A smile is a sign of joy; A hug is a sign of love; A laugh is a sign of happiness; And a friend like me, well – that is a sign of good taste!
life is beautyful admire it, life is a duty, complete it. life is a struggle, accept it. life is a challenge, meet it, life is what you make it, so start today.
Benefits of Friends: Shitty jokes whenever you ask for them; Useless jokes when you don’t ask for them!
‘BLOOD’ and ‘FRIEND’ have only 1 difference, BLOOD enters heart and flows out. but FRIEND enters heart and stays forever.
A 5 year old boy asked his friend. What is friendship? He replied: Friendship is when you rob my chocolate every day from my bag. I still keep it in same place.
MY FRIEND should be.. . My madicine when i am in pain MY letter when i am Far My smile whan i am sad My handkerchef when i cry My life when i die!
A smile is a sign of joy; A hug is a sign of love; A laugh is a sign of happiness; And a friend like me, well – that is a sign of good taste!
life is beautyful admire it, life is a duty, complete it. life is a struggle, accept it. life is a challenge, meet it, life is what you make it, so start today.