Facebook should have a limit on how many times

Life is like a camera focus on what’s important capture the good times develop from the negatives; and if things don’t work out take another shot!
Nice words… ‘The world We have created is a product of our thinking.. ; It cannot be changed without changing our thinking’.. !
Days Come, Days go, Just like any other Time. But when its your Birthday, This is the time for celebrate and shine.
‘The minute you think of giving up any relation, think of the reason why you held it so long’ Good morning and have a nice day.
A baby fish asked her mother: Y can’t we live on earth? Mother Fish: Earth is not the place for FISH, it’s made for selfish.
Police arrested a drunkard & asked: Where are you going? Man: I am going to listen lecture on ill effects of drinking. Cop: Who will lecture at midnight ?? Man: My wife?