The Beauty of a True Friendship

One Of The Joys In Life Is Waking Up Each Day With Thoughts That Somewher, Someone Cares Enough To Send A Warm Morning Greeting! Good Morning And Enjoy The Day!
Two things prevent us from happiness, living in the past & observing others. So stop observing and live your present to the fullest. Good Morning!!
I must have wish upon a lucky star, to have someone as wonderful as you by my side! I love you, honey!
When one flight gets delayed, it delays other scheduled flights after it and frustrates more people. When you are unable to finish a task on time, let go. Park it and move to the next task as scheduled. Good Morning!
Relationship do not expect respect, but waits for care in every aspect. I care for you in my own special way. May be you will never know, may be i will never show.
Morning is a natural beauty, which shows us how to smile and how to love the life. Enjoy your day. Have a blessed morning!