Dont expect the wind blowing

Life is one big present, But to open it your enthusiasm must always be present, And even if perfection is not what your life may present, You must not fall behind or get lost in future, but live in the present.
We cant live without somebody else that you love. It is alter when they are impediments. It is like it steals our life.. !
The most painful situation in life is when we are waiting for our dear one without knowing that they are avoiding us. !
The rate of change of intensity of love of a girl towards a boy is directly proportional to the instantaneous bank balance of the boy and the direction of this love is same to as increment or decrement of the bank balance
What’s an average 6 inch long Inside a guy’s pants and girls love to blow it up? ? ? ? ? A: 1000- rupee currency note. ! Always think positive
NO and YES are two short words which need A long thought… Most of the things we miss in life are because of saying NO toooo EARLY… AND YES toooo LATE…..
Life is one big present, But to open it your enthusiasm must always be present, And even if perfection is not what your life may present, You must not fall behind or get lost in future, but live in the present.
We cant live without somebody else that you love. It is alter when they are impediments. It is like it steals our life.. !
The most painful situation in life is when we are waiting for our dear one without knowing that they are avoiding us. !
The rate of change of intensity of love of a girl towards a boy is directly proportional to the instantaneous bank balance of the boy and the direction of this love is same to as increment or decrement of the bank balance
What’s an average 6 inch long Inside a guy’s pants and girls love to blow it up? ? ? ? ? A: 1000- rupee currency note. ! Always think positive
NO and YES are two short words which need A long thought… Most of the things we miss in life are because of saying NO toooo EARLY… AND YES toooo LATE…..
Life is one big present, But to open it your enthusiasm must always be present, And even if perfection is not what your life may present, You must not fall behind or get lost in future, but live in the present.
We cant live without somebody else that you love. It is alter when they are impediments. It is like it steals our life.. !